Party Contracts
Individual students and Student Government recognized organizations are encouraged to sponsor social events for the enjoyment of themselves and their guests within established College guidelines. A Event Registration Form is required for all student events where alcohol will be consumed, or where fifty or more guests will be attendance.
Event Registration Process
- Fill out the Event Registration Form here or in the Dean of Students Office.
- Submit your Event Registration Form to the coordinator of student engagement at least five (5) business days in advance or prior to noon on Monday for weekend events.
- Print the Party Contract Checklist and set up necessary meetings to complete the registration process.
Types of Events
- Campus-wide events are those limited to Randolph College students, faculty, staff, and their invited guests.
- Private events are those to which attendance is limited to an invited group.
- B.Y.O. (Bring Your Own) Events: Even though the attendees provide the alcohol, BYO events must conform to the same guidelines as all other events where alcohol is to be present. The student or organization sponsoring the event will control the collection, serving and disbursing of alcoholic beverages, a designated serving area will be established, and only one drink at a time may be obtained. Tickets or a punch card system must be in place for attendees to obtain beverages from the serving area, and hosts must adhere to food and alternate beverage requirements set forth in this policy. Deviations from these regulations must be approved in advance by the Dean of Students or designee.
Social Events with Alcohol Policy
Randolph College is committed to providing a safe campus environment for its students, employees, and visitors. The College follows all Virginia ABC rules. This policy regulates, provides accountability, and governs the purchase, distribution and use of alcohol at registered College events. The director of dining services (Aramark) and the director of campus safety are responsible for the College’s ABC Policy.
Note: Private parties may not be scheduled on WildCat Weekend, Commencement Weekend, Symposium Weekend, during the seven (7) days preceding the final exam period, or other dates designated by the Dean of Students or President of the College.