Randolph College is a diverse and dedicated neighborhood within the community of Lynchburg, VA.
As neighbors, we recognize our role and responsibility in positively contributing to our community, and thus we strive to introduce our students to a complex world that they can engage both critically and creatively.
Guiding Principles
The following guiding principles provide a framework for the College in the work we perform in our community:
- Extend learning beyond the classroom. The world is the classroom: To raise awareness about crucial social concerns, encourage students to view themselves as part of the global community, and challenge them to seek solutions to complex root causes of these systemic problems.
- Intercultural Competence: To instill an ethic of caring in students, teach students about the importance of civic responsibility, and empower them to engage in active citizenship beyond graduation from Randolph.
- Learning Outcomes: To illustrate the powerful connection between theory and practice by integrating community engagement with academic coursework/research, thus augmenting the university’s intellectual climate.
- Growing a network: To support and recognize the efforts of individuals, organizations, and classes whose actions and commitment enhance local community agencies’ abilities to deliver services, thereby strengthening the relationship between Randolph and the local community.
- The red brick wall is not a barrier: To challenge students to embark on a journey of personal, intellectual, moral, and cultural development as they engage in service projects that meet the human needs and environmental concerns of the City of Lynchburg, the United States, and other countries around the world.
Program Model – Active Citizenship
The primary model that influences the work of the program is called the Active Citizen Continuum. This model was designed by Break Away, a national nonprofit organization that promotes the development of quality alternative break programs through training, assisting, and connecting campuses and communities.
The model promotes that students should be educated about the social issues in the community, as well as get to know the individuals for whom those issues are a reality. Students can then reflect on how that knowledge and those experiences inform their values and their life choices, and they’ll be changed forever. That’s active citizenship.
Getting out there…
The College sponsors several opportunities for getting students off campus and/or learning about the community. Some of these include:
Life More Abundant program – the College’s justice based service program
Circle K International – a student driven community service organization
Service Learning Classes – several faculty employ service learning models to their academic curriculum
Chaplain’s Office – hosts various service opportunities throughout the year
In addition to the above opportunities, several groups participate in community engagement throughout the year, such as our athletic teams and Davenport Leaders.