study abroad
Randolph student reflects on study abroad experience in Belfast

Edington, who is double majoring in history and classics, spent six months in Northern Ireland.... READ MORE >>
Randolph adds six new study abroad destinations for students

Randolph students can now study in Greece, France, Costa Rica, Thailand, China, and Morocco, joining programs already offered in the U.K., Japan, and Spain.... READ MORE >>
Student-written ASIANetwork grant will allow Randolph students and professor to travel to Nepal for research
As Suzanne Bessenger, a religious studies professor, was designing the syllabus for her Gendering Enlightenment class, she realized that all of the students were interested in fields that would require grant writing. “Instead of asking them to each write a traditional research paper, I thought why not have the students work together to apply for... READ MORE >>
Two students selected for new study abroad opportunity at Queens University Belfast

Since he arrived at Randolph, Wade Hall ’21 has dreamed of studying abroad. Now, thanks to a new partnership between Randolph and Queen’s University Belfast (QUB), he’ll get to spend a semester abroad in Ireland. What’s more, he’ll get to experience it with one of his best friends, Gunnar Copeland ’21. The two students are... READ MORE >>
To the (food) rescue: Alternative spring break trip opens the eyes of Randolph students about food insecurity in Portugal

It was a warm, spring night in Lisbon, Portugal, when Avery Payne ’21 got into a car and rode to the nearest hospital. When he arrived, hospital workers were already standing by with two large pots of soup. Payne and his fellow volunteers carefully secured the food before making several more stops at local restaurants,... READ MORE >>
Bienvenue en France: Randolph student creates ties with French city

With a father from Belgium and several other family members from Europe, Anthony Fonnesu ’20 is no stranger to French culture. However, a unique opportunity this summer to serve as the City of Lynchburg’s special ambassador to its sister city, Rueil-Malmaison, France, allowed him to fully immerse himself in all things French—including the language. It... READ MORE >>
Hola, España! Randolph Spanish major studies abroad in Spain

On his first day at the Cursos Internacionales for the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, Isaiah Freedman ’20 was exploring campus when he fell and injured his hand and sprained his ankle. Even though going to the hospital was not how he had hoped to begin his study abroad experience, it proved to be a valuable, real-life test for his Spanish conversation skills. “Communicating with the... READ MORE >>
Students learn about alternative energy, natural wonders, and vikings in journey to Iceland

Nine Randolph environmental studies students and two faculty walked the glaciers, learned about vikings, and admired natural wonders in Iceland as part of a study abroad experience last week. The weeklong trip was part of the “Exploring Geology and Sustainability in Iceland” summer study seminar course, which examined climate change and alternative energy sources being... READ MORE >>
Bienvenue en France! Business major scores summer internship at French tech company

Anthony Fonnesu ’20 has been selected for a summer internship with Schneider Electric in Rueil-Malmaison, France. In his role with the company’s marketing and communications department, Fonnesu will help coordinate the city’s Latin American Day celebration and explore the possibility of organizing a tennis tournament between Rueil-Malmaison and its sister city in the United States:... READ MORE >>
Students use spring break to volunteer for food rescue project in Portugal

Fifteen Randolph students spent their spring break in Portugal as part of a food rescue project, serving underprivileged families, elderly, and the homeless. The students worked with the non-profit organization Refood International, which redirects unserved, leftover food to those in need. Food is collected each afternoon from local restaurants, supermarkets, and other locations, then organized... READ MORE >>