American Culture Program
American Culture Program explores labor, leisure and music in the U.S.

Students examined how the balance between labor and leisure has shifted in the past, and what that looks like today.... READ MORE >>
Spring 2023 American Culture Program to explore labor, leisure, and music in the United States

The program, which will be held during Session 4, is open to full-time sophomore, junior, and senior Randolph students. The deadline to apply is Monday, Nov. 7.... READ MORE >>
Q&A with new faculty: Connor Kenaston

Connor Kenaston has always loved history, but he didn’t consider becoming a professional historian until college. “I remember the thrill of doing archival research for the first time and using what I found to craft an evidence-based argument about what happened, why, and why it matters,” said Kenaston, Randolph’s new Ainsworth Visiting Professor of American... READ MORE >>
American Culture students examine reproductive justice work

Students in the American Culture Program got a firsthand look at reproductive justice work this spring, visiting with organizations in North Carolina and Georgia. ... READ MORE >>
New podcast, focusing on the fight for reproductive justice, emerges from Randolph’s Summer Research Program

This summer, Isabel Stephens ’23 and professor Justina Licata are shining a light on the movement through a podcast they’ve researched, written, and recorded themselves during the program’s eight weeks.... READ MORE >>
American Culture Program traces the history and politics of eugenics—and activism against it

Every two years, Randolph brings in a visiting professor to lead the American Culture Program, diving deep into a singular topic with students.... READ MORE >>
American Culture students presenting Reproductive Justice Symposium in April

Created by women of color and indigenous women in the 1990s, the reproductive justice movement draws attention to unlawful controls placed on minority women’s bodies and how they experience reproductive health discrimination differently than white women.... READ MORE >>
Q&A with new faculty: Justina Licata

Lincata is Randolph’s Ainsworth Visiting Professor of American Culture, a two-year position. ... READ MORE >>
Three Randolph faculty to present at Race, Poverty, & Social Justice Conference

Three members of the Randolph College Faculty will participate in the 6th Annual Race, Poverty, & Social Justice Conference this weekend at the University of Lynchburg. The theme of the event is “Uprising: Organizing Social Justice in America.” On Saturday morning, John Abell, the Carl Stern Chair of Economics, will present “Redlining in Lynchburg,” and... READ MORE >>
American Culture Program explores ‘The Struggle for Native Lands in the American West’

Photos by Victoria Goodman ’21 Last week, Randolph students got a first-hand look at religion, environmental justice, native lands, Wild West shows, native displacement, natural resource management, and native representation and popular culture during a trip to Utah. As part of the 2019 American Culture Program, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Struggle... READ MORE >>