Fall Start
Don't want to wait? Start college October 21.
Don’t want to wait to start college?
Start Oct. 21

Why Study at Randolph?
Randolph College announced a new program this week that will provide students with an easier—and faster—way to transfer or enter college.
Because of the innovation of TAKE2, Randolph’s curriculum model, students here take two classes at a time for seven weeks. The uniqueness of this method allows us to offer this unusual enrollment option for students.
Under the new plan, students will be able to enroll for the beginning of Session 2, which starts Oct. 23. Most colleges make students wait until the next semester to transfer or enroll. Randolph’s new program meets the needs of students who want to start college now.
The deadline to apply for this program is Oct. 11. Once you apply, Randolph will fast-track your application and financial aid process.
Students taking advantage of the program will pay less than $1000 for Session II if they are commuters. Students planning to live on campus will pay about $4,000.
TAKE2 was launched two years ago and has already brought significant results. Faculty and students report higher test scores, improved writing, better attendance, and a deeper understanding of material. In fact, the College has seen more students on the Dean’s List under TAKE2 than it has for 10 years.
The deadline to apply for this program is Oct. 11.
Degrees offered
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre
Minor in Theatre
Minor in Technical Theatre
Related Programs
Start Taking Classes in the Middle of Fall Semester
Ready to start college? Looking to transfer? You don’t have to wait until spring. Because of Randolph College’s unique TAKE2 curriculum model, you can start October 21.
At Randolph, we divide each semester into two 7-week sessions. Students take only 2 classes per session, allowing for a more immersive, focused academic experience. Enrollment is now open for Fall Session 2.
Fall Semester
Spring Semester
Fall Semester
Session 1
August 22 – October 11
2 classes, 8 credits, 7 weeks
Fall Semester
Session 2
October 21 – December 13
2 classes, 8 credits, 7 weeks
Apply by Wednesday, Oct. 9
Start Monday, Oct. 21
Spring Semester
Session 3
January 16 – March 7
2 classes, 8 credits, 7 weeks
Spring Semester
Session 4
March 17 – May 6
2 classes, 8 credits, 7 weeks
Fall Session 1
August 24 – October 13
2 classes, 7 weeks
Fall Session 2
October 23 – December 15
2 classes, 7 weeks
Apply by Wednesday, Oct. 11
Start Monday, Oct. 23
Spring Session 3
January 11 – March 1
2 classes, 7 weeks
Spring Session 4
March 11 – April 30
2 classes, 7 weeks
Why Fall Enrollment?
Enroll now. Most colleges make you wait until next semester to transfer or enroll.
Full course load: Get 2 complete full-credit college classes (4 credits/each) under your belt in only 7 weeks.
Affordable: With this unique enrollment option, students planning to live on campus will pay about $4,000* for Session 2. Commuter students will pay less than $1,000* for Session 2.
The TAKE2 Advantage: Under TAKE2, Randolph students experience
- higher test scores,
- improved writing,
- better attendance, and
- a deeper understanding of material.
In fact, the College has seen more students on the Dean’s List under TAKE2 than it has for 6 years. Learn more about Randolph’s innovative TAKE2 curriculum
Apply Now for Fall Session 2
Deadline: October 9
Once you apply, Randolph will fast-track your application and financial aid process.
Classes start Monday, October 21.
*This amount assumes federal student loan eligibility and can vary based on prior enrollment. Students can complete the FAFSA here: https://studentaid.gov/
The TAKE2 Curriculum Model

Modeled after a traditional academic conference, the SAS brings together students of all disciplines to share the results and highlights of the best work being produced at the College – oral presentations, readings of creative works, performances, exhibitions of student artwork, and poster presentations.
The Randolph Experience
Section Title
Randolphus te praeparat ad quam vivam faciendam. Randolphus te ad vitam praeparat.
In Ranulphi Collegio intellegimus viam inter qua incipis et qua finias non semper recta esse. Quam ob rem tibi instrumenta proposita tua inveniendi et consequendi donamus.
Hic, artes liberales habebis educationem diuturnam ingenii sui rigorem celeberrimam in ambitu discendi dynamicam, quae nova visione mandatur. Nostra emphasis globalia te faciet civem informatum mundi, pretiosum communitati vestrae et professioni vestrae.

Small Classes
Randolph classes are full of engagement and interaction. Students get the full attention of their professors and develop camaraderie with their classmates.
The Honor Code
Randolph students live by our Honor Code and act with the highest integrity in both academic and social life.
Randolph College students conduct advanced research projects in their majors with help from the. Center for Student Research. They present their findings at the annual Symposium of Artists and Scholars.Study Abroad
Opportunities for study elsewhere, such as in the Washington Semester Programs at the American University in Washington, D.C., as well as study-abroad programs, are available.
Intercultural Competence
All Randolph students learn global citizenship with the capability to accurately understand and adapt to cultural differences and find commonality.
Randolph students put classroom learning into practice by participating in internships.
With help from the Career Development Center, political science majors have experienced government at work during internships in the congressional offices, federal and state offices, political campaigns, advocacy groups, social service agencies, and more. ing with social service agencies.
Recent internships include the Department of Veterans Affairs, Moms Demand Action, CASA, U.S. State Department, SAWA, U.S. House of Representatives, and more.
Special Interdisciplinary Curriculum
From your first year through your senior year, you will have opportunities to take courses as part of our honors curriculum.
During your first session of classes, you will take an honors section of Randolph’s first-year seminar, Life More Abundant, with other members of your cohort of honors scholars.
After the first-year seminar, you will take additional courses from across the curriculum that will deepen your learning experience and make meaningful interdisciplinary connections.

Enhanced Faculty Mentorship

You will work closely with faculty advisors and the honors program director to plan a Randolph experience that meets your needs and will help you achieve your goals.
This includes both curricular and co-curricular experiences.
Unique Opportunities
Feature with Slider (left)

Ranulphus Collegii alumni mundum critico et creativo exercebit
Randolphus Collegium bonas artes componet cum programmatione institutionis innovative ad contextum praebendum progressui intellectuali et curriculo praeparationis.
A Randolph Collegio institutio graduatos parabit ut in complexu mundi loca capiant.
Alumni Collegii Ranulphi participes erunt actuosae suae educationis. Cum investigationibus et facultatibus ductus eruditionem coniungentes, discipuli ad suum personale et intellectuale incrementum conferent.
Feature with Slider (right)
Ranulphus alumni in Collegio honeste vivet et laborabit
Ranulphus Collegium consulto ac facto suum Honoris Codicis et Honoris System in programmata paedagogica et communitaria incorporabit.
Valores in hoc codice inhaerentes essentiales facti sunt in aetate digitali. Collegio conservationi et utendi sui Codicis Honori committitur, quae in communitate vivit fundamento studentium et vitae integritatis petram praebet.
Alumni Ranulphi Collegium scientiam disciplinarum acquirent quae honorem et integritatem in studiis humanis illustrant. Vitam experientur in communitate honorata, dum discunt quaestiones latas sociales ad resolvendum. Demum agnoscentur indeclinabilem operam academicae et personae integritati.

Title Goes Here
Wanda WildCat ’12, biology major
Mascot and Icon, Randolph College, Lyncbburg, Virginia
WildCatem ipsum dolor sit onnalaptop, consectetur ahisscing elit stadia.
Sed do furrious tempor incididunt ut labore et academia magna aliqua. Wanda duis aute hoomanz familia celebrationem irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
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Excepteur sint occaecat whiskus et furrium cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est registratum.

Top Ranked Professors
Randolph College’s faculty are consistently recognized as among the best in the nation. The Princeton Review ranked the College in #12 for most accessible professors in the 2023 edition of its flagship college guide, The Best 388 Colleges.
Randolph has been ranked in the top 20 for most accessible professors for six consecutive years.
Current Season
Wildcat Weekend Arts Showcase
September 17, 2022
Fall Music Showcase
October 6, 2022
The Tragical History of the Life and Death of Doctor Faustus
by Christopher Marlowe
October 26-30, 2022
Candlelight Concert
December 8, 2022
Performing Arts Cabaret
February 23-25, 2023
Winter Music Showcase
March 4, 2023
A Wrinkle in Time
by Madeleine L’Engle
Adapted by Morgan Gould
May 5-7, 2023
Spring Concert
May 6, 2023
Only at Randolph
Randolph students can take advantage of unique programs which give them a more enriching education than can be found anywhere else.
The Randolph Innovative Student Experience (RISE) program provides every student a $2,000 grant to fund research, creative work, experiential learning or other scholarly pursuits.
Randolph graduates learn to think critically, solve problems and work well with others. They are prepared to succeed in all aspects of life.
Two courses per half-mester means you get to focus in and dig deep into your coursework while still having time for the rest of the college experience. Two classes. Seven weeks. Repeat.
Randolph students work with faculty mentors to explore a broad range of disciplines as they chart their academic path.
Department News
Grace Duckworth ’23 brings passion for history, education to role at George Mason’s Gunston Hall
Duckworth is a full-time educator at the historic Georgian-style home of one of the country’s founding fathers.
Read MoreThe Power of Voice: Randolph grad opens up about challenges of overcoming stuttering
Coffey has made it his mission to raise awareness and start conversations about stuttering.
Read MoreMeet the graduates: Natalie Clark ’23, ’24 MACSL
Clark studied media and culture at Randolph before enrolling in the Master of Arts in Coaching and Sport Leadership program.
Read MoreTalent, perseverance, and a little stubbornness propel Lianna Carrera ’07 to success in comedy writing career
Carrera moved to Los Angeles in 2011 to pursue a career in stand-up comedy. Now she works as a comedy writer for comedian Kevin Hart's media company, HartBeat.
Read MoreMeet the graduates: Sam Hey ’24
Hey began working as an EMT for Campbell County Public Services last week.
Read MoreGrace Duckworth ’23 brings passion for history, education to role at George Mason’s Gunston Hall
Duckworth is a full-time educator at the historic Georgian-style home of one of the country’s founding fathers.
Read MoreThe Power of Voice: Randolph grad opens up about challenges of overcoming stuttering
Coffey has made it his mission to raise awareness and start conversations about stuttering.
Read MoreMeet the graduates: Natalie Clark ’23, ’24 MACSL
Clark studied media and culture at Randolph before enrolling in the Master of Arts in Coaching and Sport Leadership program.
Read MoreTalent, perseverance, and a little stubbornness propel Lianna Carrera ’07 to success in comedy writing career
Carrera moved to Los Angeles in 2011 to pursue a career in stand-up comedy. Now she works as a comedy writer for comedian Kevin Hart's media company, HartBeat.
Read MoreMeet the graduates: Sam Hey ’24
Hey began working as an EMT for Campbell County Public Services last week.
Read More