Vita Vol. 1 No. 2
Vita Abundantior – The Magazine of Randolph College – No. 2 – Fall 2017

Vita Abundantior – The Magazine of Randolph College November 2017 – Number 2 Table of Contents... READ MORE >>
Tiny House. Big Lessons.

Randolph students help middle schoolers build a small house as part of STEAM-based program Wearing a white hard hat and eye-protecting goggles, Dai’Dieon looked the part of a young construction worker. Hammer in hand, the seventh-grader at Paul Laurence Dunbar Middle School for Innovation lined up his nail and prepared to drive it into the... READ MORE >>
Why I Give: Q&A with Skip Kughn, retired vice president for institutional advancement

A Q&A with Skip Kughn, retired vice president for institutional advancement What are the feelings that run through your head when you think about getting this honorary diploma? I was surprised and shocked! It is hard to put into words since I devoted most of my professional life to R-MWC and Randolph College. I am... READ MORE >>
Pioneering Class

On Saturday, August 18, 2007, 178 members of the Class of 2011 descended on the College, the first class to be coeducational and the first to enter under Randolph College. On move-in day, they were greeted by staff and faculty volunteers—and the press. And for the first months, the women and men lived under a... READ MORE >>
This Place is for the Birds

Megan Henning ’18 discovers new skills during zoo internship The large doors to the shelter slowly opened, surprising the flock of pink flamingos inside and sending them scurrying outside in a mass of frantically flapping wings where Megan Henning ’18 and other colleagues waited. They held up tarps, forming a wall and leading the birds... READ MORE >>
2017 Alumnae Achievement Awards

In September, Randolph College presented Alumnae Achievement Awards to two outstanding graduates, Carla Alexander ’68 and Lucy Williams Hooper ’73. Also during the annual ceremony, Randolph named Skip Kughn an honorary alumnus for his many years of service to the College. Since 1981, Randolph has presented the Alumnae Achievement Award to alumnae who personify the... READ MORE >>
Randolph Launches New M.F.A. in Creative Writing

Acclaimed and award-winning writers will serve as first faculty for new program A new graduate program at Randolph will bring some of the hottest writers to campus beginning this summer. Starting in July 2018, Randolph will add a two-year, low-residency Master of Fine Arts in creative writing program, which is the first of its kind... READ MORE >>
Under (And Above) the Sea: Two internships. Two students. One passion.

Two internships. Two students. One passion. While Libby Exline ’19 was spending her summer in the warm, turquoise water snorkeling and scuba diving as part of field study of the coral reefs off the Turks and Caicos Islands, Kati Biggs ’18 was 1,500 miles away on a boat in a completely different environment, studying whales... READ MORE >>
Storm Chaser: Traveling across the country in a truck outfitted with Doppler radar

Randolph grad participates in weather research When most people get word that bad weather is approaching, they find a safe place and take cover. Not Shawn Simmons ’16. He spent his summer looking for it. Simmons, who is a graduate student at Purdue University studying earth, atmospheric, and planetary science, recently participated in a special... READ MORE >>
New Experiences

Lyric Opera of Chicago opportunity helps Randolph student grow Before this summer, Jessica Burroughs ’18 had never flown in a plane, much less lived in a big city. Thanks to a unique internship with the Lyric Opera of Chicago, she had a summer full of first-time experiences and achievements. “The biggest takeaway from this internship... READ MORE >>