(in probable order of production, with date of production, if known):
- Alcestis, 438 b.c.e. (The 2009 Centennial Greek Play)
- Medea, 431 (The 2018 Randolph College Greek Play)
- Heraclidae [The Children of Heracles]
- Hippolytus, 428
- Andromache
- Hecuba (The 2010 Randolph College Greek Play)
- Suppliants
- Ion (The 2023 Randolph College Greek Play)
- Electra, 417 or 413?
- Hercules furens [Mad Heracles]
- Trojan Women, 415
- Iphigenia in Tauris
- Helen, 412
- Phoenician Women
- Orestes, 408
- Bacchae, 406 (The 2004 R-MWC Greek Play)
- Iphigeneia at Aulis, 406 (The 2001 R-MWC Greek Play)
- Rhesus
- Cyclops (a satyr play produced at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College in 1998)