women in science
Alumnae return for Women in Science panel

Ashleigh E. Baber ’05, Bria Carlisle-Thaniel ’16, Courtney Carter Plaster ’92, and Kristina Whately ’14 spoke about their careers. ... READ MORE >>
Virtual Science Festival to feature ‘Physics of Superheroes’ author

During “The Uncanny Physics of Superhero Comic Books,” James Kakalios will discuss how the stories can be used to illustrate fundamental principles of physics... READ MORE >>
Randolph’s 2017 Science Festival to feature professional juggler, maker faire, and more

A performance by a professional juggler, a maker faire, hands-on activities for children (and adults), and a panel discussion about science careers led by successful alumnae are just a few of the highlights of the 9th annual Randolph College Science Festival. The Science Festival of Central Virginia, hosted by Randolph College, is a series of... READ MORE >>
Science Fest 2016 to feature panel of alumnae scientists

A regional LEGO competition, demonstrations of science in music, the popular Science Day for elementary school children, and inspirational stories from successful alumnae scientists will be just some of the highlights of the 8th annual Randolph College Science Festival. The Science Festival is a four-day series of free events that allow the public to discover... READ MORE >>