
Serious about science: Students enjoy newly opened lab spaces in the midst of the Martin Science renovation

Students work in one of Martin Science Building's newly reopened labs.

Through careful planning, students were able to use parts of Martin Science Building this fall while Phase One renovation work was being completed.... READ MORE >>

Randolph relaunches campaign for the renovation of Martin Science Building

The College is relaunching its Science Matters campaign for the renovation and revitalization of the historic Martin Science Building with a special event in October. ... READ MORE >>

Students inducted into national, international honor societies

On Tuesday, Randolph students from a variety of academic departments were officially inducted into international, national, and College honor societies.... READ MORE >>

Alumnae scientists return for Women in Science Panel

Maddy Carmain ’13, Quay Dortch ’70, and Scotti Estes ’76 discussed their lifelong passion for discovery during the Randolph College Science Festival’s Women in Science Panel on Friday. Carmain read National Geographic growing up, itching to learn more about nature. Estes was so drawn to it that, at age 7 or 8, she filled her... READ MORE >>

First-years get a jump-start on college life through Randolph’s SUPER program

SUPER scholars arrive on campus two weeks before their peers to get a head start on math and science courses, learn about services offered by the College to help them succeed in their field, and get acclimated to college life.... READ MORE >>

Virtual Science Festival to feature ‘Physics of Superheroes’ author

During “The Uncanny Physics of Superhero Comic Books,” James Kakalios will discuss how the stories can be used to illustrate fundamental principles of physics... READ MORE >>

Randolph accepting nominations for Science Teaching Award

Campus beauty for general news stories

Introduced in 2020 as part of the College’s SciFest, the award honors a high school science teacher who exhibits excellence in the teaching of science and contributes significantly to the lives of students, providing inspirational guidance and encouragement. The deadline for nominations is at midnight on Monday, Feb. 22.... READ MORE >>

Alumna's foundation awards $30,000 grant to support SUPER

Campus beauty for general news stories

Randolph College has been awarded $30,000 from the Barbara C. Noyes Charitable Foundation, Inc., to support the Annual Fund for Step Up to Physical Science and Engineering at Randolph (SUPER). Created in 2010, SUPER is a four-year program that provides scholarships to a select number of students each year. It includes academic services, tutoring, special... READ MORE >>

Bedford teacher receives inaugural Science Teaching Award from Randolph

Randolph College recently named Bedford teacher Angela Beasley winner of the inaugural Science Teaching Award from Randolph (STAR), which honors a high school science teacher who has contributed significantly to the lives of students and exhibits excellence in the teaching of science. The award includes a $1,500 stipend, as well as an additional $1,000 as... READ MORE >>

Randolph's SUPER, STAR programs work to create connections during online learning

Professor Sarah Sojka teaches during the 2018 Step Up to the Physical Sciences and Engineering at Randolph (SUPER) program.

Both programs are both dedicated to helping first-year students adjust to college life. In 2020, that task became even more difficult, creating a sense of community with students who couldn’t be together in person.... READ MORE >>