campus life

Randolph featured in 2025 ‘Fiske Guide to Colleges’

Three students walk on back campus, with the chapel in the distance behind them

The 2025 edition of the guide praised Randolph for pursuing “its traditional mission of strong liberal arts through a unique and creative curriculum.” ... READ MORE >>

Randolph named one of the nation’s ‘best and most interesting institutions’

The 2024 edition of the guide praised Randolph for offering students a place to be themselves while receiving a strong liberal arts education. ... READ MORE >>

Randolph Thrive: New student-led program emphasizes healing power of nature

Randolph Thrive is a self-navigated program based on research showing that time spent outdoors can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Organizers have designated seven spots across campus where students can connect with nature and find stress relief.... READ MORE >>

Month in Photos: April 2018

Studying outdoors on an 80-degree spring day

A look back at some of our favorite moments and photos from April 2018 at Randolph College:... READ MORE >>

Randolph presents 2018 Academic and Leadership Awards

Randolph College Banner

Randolph College presented numerous  students on Wednesday with academic and leadership awards. The annual Academic and Leadership Awards ceremony honors students who excelled in their academic performance as well as demonstrated leadership at the College. Academic Awards Art and Art History Rachel Trexler Ellis ’44 Art Prize for Excellence: Morgan Osburn and Stacey Samuels Best... READ MORE >>