academic programs
American Culture Program explores ‘The Struggle for Native Lands in the American West’

Photos by Victoria Goodman ’21 Last week, Randolph students got a first-hand look at religion, environmental justice, native lands, Wild West shows, native displacement, natural resource management, and native representation and popular culture during a trip to Utah. As part of the 2019 American Culture Program, “The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: The Struggle... READ MORE >>
Randolph adds computer science minor

Randolph College students now have the opportunity to take a computer science minor. The new academic program was recently approved by faculty and is open to students immediately. The first elective course will be offered starting in spring 2018 and the core courses will begin in fall 2018. Current first-years and sophomores are eligible to... READ MORE >>
Randolph announces new M.F.A. program in creative writing

Randolph College has announced the addition of a new master of fine arts program in creative writing. The first semester is set to begin in July 2018. The two-year, low-residency M.F.A. program is the first of its kind in Virginia, and will provide an immersive, personalized experience for students of all ages and backgrounds. The... READ MORE >>
Randolph introduces new museum and heritage studies major

Beginning in the fall, Randolph College students will be able to take advantage of the College’s newest major, museum and heritage studies. The new interdisciplinary program will introduce students to a rich variety of approaches for presenting and studying visual and material culture. The program is designed for a broad range of students in the... READ MORE >>