Randolph students will bring the classic children’s book A Wrinkle in Time to the stage next week.
The production is being staged as part of a special topics in theatre course, Acting in a Children’s Theatre Production, being offered during Session 4.
Performances of the play—adapted from Madeleine L’Engle 1963 Newbery Medal-winning novel—are scheduled for 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday, May 6, and 2 p.m. on Sunday, May 7, in Randolph’s Wimberly Recital Hall.
Students will also be taking the show on the road to two local elementary schools.
“Finding ways to engage our community of future theatre lovers is an important lesson for our Randolph students, and we have learned that they really enjoy the challenge of performing for children,” said theatre professor Stephanie Earl, citing past performances Alice in Wonderland in 2021 and The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in 2018.
“The faculty believe that studying and performing a wide mix of styles and genres is an important part of undergrad theatre training and this production is allowing our students to try something different this year,” she added.
They will be performing a 50-minute, one-act version of the story, which follows young heroine Meg Murry joining forces with three otherworldly women—Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who, and Mrs. Which—to rescue her father and battle the forces of evil.
In class, theatre professor Patrick Earl, who is directing the show, said they’ve focused on tailoring their storytelling to younger audiences.
“It’s really about the performance and engagement,” he said. “When performing for children, it’s not about being over the top or cartoonish. It’s telling the story clearly and cleanly. Kids are more attuned to if an adult is acting believably or not. You also keep it simple and keep it moving quickly.”
Students are using props and costumes for the production, but no lighting or technical aspects. They’ll also be doing their own sound effects—“lots of whooshing,” Patrick Earl joked.
The unique nature of the production, a children’s show that is also a touring show, has been a fun challenge for stage manager Isabel Stephens ’23, who is also portraying Mrs. Who.
“There are so many moving parts,” said Stephens, who is doing her senior capstone project on the experience of acting and stage managing simultaneously. “These are all really great experiences to have.”
She remembers reading the book years ago.
“It’s a really good play, and I think it’s wonderful we’re doing children’s theatre,” she said. “We’re hoping to entertain and, maybe, make some theatre people out of them.”
For more information, and to purchase tickets, visit www.randolphcollege.edu/tickets.
Tags: department of performing arts, Patrick Earl, theatre