Randolph SPS students built a Mario Kart costume for a disabled child as part of Children’s Assistive Technology Service’s (CATS) inaugural Hallowheels fundraiser.
Randolph’s chapter of the Society of Physics Students (SPS) recently earned the 2016-17 Blake Lilly Prize from the national Society of Physics Students organization.
The prestigious award recognizes the Randolph chapter’s community outreach efforts and dedication to physics education. The award was named in honor of Blake Lilly, a graduate student in atmospheric sciences at the University of Arizona who died tragically from injuries sustained in an airplane crash in 1990.
Some of Randolph SPS’s most notable community contributions include hosting the College’s annual Science Festival and weekly Science + Art Saturdays. The group also recently participated in the inaugural Hallowheels fundraiser for Children’s Assistive Technology Service (CATS), in which students made a Mario Kart Halloween costume for a disabled child.
In addition to this latest honor, Randolph has earned the national SPS’s “Outstanding Chapter” award for nine straight years.
Tags: Blake Lilly Prize, community, outreach, physics, science festival, society of physics students