Last week, several class rings belonging to alumnae from past generations were handed down to Randolph juniors as part of the Ring Week tradition. Here are just a few examples of the connections made:
Libby Exline ’19
Libby Exline ’19 from Julie Hudgins Carroll ’45
Julie Hudgins Carroll ’45 majored in Spanish and Latin. On campus, she was involved in the Greek Play, served as an orientation training group leader, and played field hockey. She was also a member of the Sock and Buskin and Spanish clubs. Several other members of her family have attended the College, including her great aunt Harriot Parker Jones (Class of 1900), her daughter Julie Carroll ’82, and her cousin Jane Bosman Hatley ’75, who is the mother of Josie Hatley ’18. Carroll currently lives in Norfolk, Va.
Libby Exline ’19 is an environmental studies major, an officer for the Macon Activities Council, and a member of the women’s lacrosse team.
“Getting this ring gives me such a neat connection to the school, and it’s even more meaningful since I know Josie,” Exline said. “She was one of the first people I met when I came here, and we’ve been close ever since. It’s really cool to get a piece of her family to take with me.”
Arnav Upadhyay ’19
Arnav Upadhyay ’19 from anonymous donor
Upadhyay is an international student from Nepal majoring in economics. He is a resident assistant and community service fellow.
“It’s a great honor,” Upadhyay said. “It blew my mind to think about the last person who wore this ring and what she must have been through in her life. It really means a lot to me.”
Rebekah Griffith ’19
Rebekah Griffith ’19 from June Plunkett Poe ’47
June Plunkett Poe ’47 majored in sociology and minored in psychology. She was highly active as a student, working on the staff for the Helianthus, the Glee Club, and the Alpha Delta Pi sorority. Her mother, Billie Puett Plunkett, was a 1918 graduate of the College. Poe currently lives in Roanoke, Va.
Rebekah Griffith ’19 is a liberal studies major, and is a resident assistant and president of the Gammas spirit group.
“It’s really awesome that she’s still so involved and invested in the school,” Griffith said. “I’m honored that I was chosen to carry on this tradition. It’s one that a lot of alums remember, and I plan to pass this ring down again someday.”
Tags: alumnae, Arnav Upadhyay, Libby Exline, Student Life, traditions