In preparation for the upcoming pet show, Jade gently brushed her stuffed hamster’s hair while her friend, Trulie, adjusted the bowtie on her stuffed dog. In another room, their fellow 4-year-old classmate, Henry, worked to adopt a stuffed dog while other children played veterinarian, using stethoscopes and administering vaccines to their pretend pets.
This week, Randolph College Nursery School students are learning how to take care of pets and other animals. They’re also collecting blankets, towels, and toys that will be donated to the Lynchburg Humane Society over the next two weeks. Older students will deliver the donations in person on a special field trip later this month.
“This is a good age when we can start instilling the idea that it’s not all about what you’re going to get and start thinking about what we can do for someone else,” said Kelly Kirkwood, RCNS lead teacher. “In years past we’ve done other projects, but this year, they’ve been really into animals. We’ve had a lot of animals visit recently—we even had a chicken visit right before Thanksgiving.”
One of the students, Lily, is especially excited about helping animals in shelters this holiday season. Her mother is the director of the Lynchburg Humane Society, and the family recently adopted a cat.
“My mommy takes care of animals and brings them home,” she said. “I really like to play with them and help take care of them.”
Kirkwood said others in the College community are welcome to contribute blankets, towels, and toys to the custom-decorated RCNS donation box, which will be located in Main Hall.
Tags: community, Kelly Kirkwood, Randolph College Nursery School