Due to the College being closed for inclement weather, The Show has been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Smith Hall Theatre.
It only comes once every four years.
And it’s not the World Cup, the Winter Olympics, a U.S. presidential election or leap year. It’s The Show.
That’s right. The Show—a quadrennial exhibition of what we’re willing to call talent for a couple of hours, performed by Randolph faculty and staff for students.
This year’s theme is “Freak Show,” inspired by the current season of American Horror Story.
This year’s iteration of The Show features more than 20 acts and about 85 performers. Performances include dance, comedy, music, superheroes, bad magic, and music. “There is some legitimate talent, and a lot of dubious talent,” said Terry Bodine, who is Randolph’s donor relations coordinator by day and associate producer of this year’s Show by night.
The Show dates to 1915, when faculty and staff staged a performance to raise money to build what is now Smith Hall. After other occasional performances, it became a once-every-four-years midwinter tradition beginning in 1948.
Students only get one chance to see The Show while they are students, although many alumnae and alumni return to see their professors in a whole new way, once again.
“It’s like a faculty and staff gift to the students,” said Bodine. “Here’s something really outrageous and fun that we do for them. It contributes to the sense of community because everyone is involved.”
The curtain opens Tuesday, February 24, at 7:30 p.m. in Smith Hall Theatre. Admission is $3.
Want to see some of the acts that showed up for auditions—or didn’t? Check out this video series.