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Jolley Mini-Grants for Internships

Through the generosity of the Jolley Foundation, a new grant program is available to Randolph students. The Jolley Mini-Grants for Internships are available in amounts ranging from $500 to $4000 and may be combined with additional funding sources, including employer compensation, a RISE Award, departmental awards, and other external and internal scholarships.

Student Eligibility
Students must meet all of the following qualifications to receive funding:

  • Current and rising sophomores, current and rising juniors, or rising seniors
  • Confirmed full-time Randolph College student at time of applying for Mini-Grant and in the fall semester immediately following the summer internship to be funded
  • Good academic standing with the college (minimum 2.0 GPA)
  • International students – Tax Policy Consultation: Certain tax reporting and/or withholding implications may result from Jolley Mini-Grants being awarded to international students. Please contact the Business Office to determine your tax status, prior to applying for Jolley Mini-Grant. Tax implications which may arise will not affect the College’s decision to make the award in question. Documentation from the Business Office indicating your funding eligibility must be included with your Jolley Mini-Grant.

Internship Eligibility
Eligible internships must adhere to the following criteria:

  • The internship is career-relevant
  • Must be for academic credit
  • Must occur during the summer term (graduation day until first day of fall classes)
  • Minimum 8 weeks in duration
  • Meets or exceeds 30 hours of work commitment per week
  • Internship requires that student resides in a city other than the city of his/her permanent residence
  • Unpaid or low-paid* internship (*monetary compensation provided by the employer equates to less than $7.25 per hour)
  • Internship is in compliance with the U. S Department of Labor’s Internship Programs under the Fair Labor Standards Act (Fact Sheet #71 / “six-prong test.”)

Preferential Awarding

  • Preference may be given to students whose academic major requires an internship
  • Preference may be given to students completing internships in larger metropolitan areas

Limitations of Funding
Jolley Mini-Grant funds may not be used to pay for the following:

  • Randolph College expenses such as internship credit fee, dorm housing
  • Services, transportation, lodging provided by family and friends

Disbursement of Funds

  • Amount of grant will be based on students’ projected budget and request
  • Up to $1,500 of the final grant amount will be paid in advance to the student through Accounts Payable without any requirements of receipts to support expenses incurred. Because this sum is paid without the requirement of receipts, it is taxable to the recipient subject to IRS guidelines. This amount may be used to provide ongoing financial support throughout the internship.
  • If the total grant is less than $1,500, the entire amount will be paid in advance, is taxable subject to IRS guidelines, and no expense report will be required.
  • The remainder of the grant amount will be reimbursement based. The student will be responsible for completing an expense report with all supporting receipts within two weeks of completing their internship. Any amount for which receipts are not provided within the two week timeframe, will also be taxable subject to IRS guidelines. Only one reimbursement request will be permitted per internship award at the conclusion of the internship.  For example, if the total grant award is $3,000 and $1,000 is provided in advance without the requirement of receipts, then $2,000 will be reimbursement-based with the requirement for an expense report and receipts to be submitted to the CDC within two weeks of the end of the internship.
  • Reimbursement will be issued after expense report has been completed and verified.
  • Students may work with the Career Development Center to have larger expenses – such as airline travel and housing bills – paid directly to the vendor / service provider from their award amount.

Application Process

Application and all supporting documents are due by May 1 to . All documents listed below must be attached, as PDFs, to a single email. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered.

Application checklist:

  • Jolley Application And Budget– available here
  • Internship Credit Application (pdf of final, submitted copy)
  • Offer letter from employer on company letter head
    • must include start / end dates
    • expected number of interning hours per week
    • summary of responsibilities
    • pay rate
    • statement of awareness of and compliance with U. S Department of Labor’s Internship Programs under the Fair Labor Standards Act (Fact Sheet #71 / “six-prong test.”)
  • Housing Plan with supporting documentation such as a completed application for housing provider and fee schedule, or letter from landlord stating dates and cost of housing.
  • W-9 Form (available on the Business Office website located at
  • Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) Authorization Form (also available on the Business Office website located at
  • Internship Contract Deadlines

    Internship contracts are due by the end of the first full week of classes for the session in which the internship occurs.

    Contracts submitted during appeal period must be accompanied by an Appeal Form regardless of reason or circumstances. After that date, Internships may not earn credit.

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