Dear members of the Randolph community,

Over the past year, we committed ourselves to closely examine both our Title IX policies as well as the campus culture that exists at Randolph as part of an effort to make improvements, enact change, and ensure that our community is one where students always feel safe and respected. I am pleased to provide an update on this important work.

The external review of our Title IX program by Troutman Pepper Hamilton Sanders LLP is now complete, and I am pleased to report that no systemic problems or failures were found. The review confirmed that Randolph meets all requirements of the law related to Title IX and that we successfully follow our own guidelines. You can read the report here.

Also, we have recently received the results of the student campus climate survey conducted this spring by the research firm, Perry Undem. It was not surprising to see a mix of results and perceptions. Thus, we know there is a clear need for more communication about the resources available to students and our processes. The results of the survey can be found here.

In addition, a specially selected Task Force that met during the year and included students, faculty, staff, and alumnae representatives provided a list of recommendations earlier in the semester. That report can be found here.

While we are pleased that these reviews of our work show we meet our legal obligations related to Title IX, we also realize that there are things we can—and should—do to make our campus environment better for our students. Some changes have already been made, including the hiring of Tamara Kosic, our new Title IX coordinator, who will begin July 1. As we move forward into the next academic year, I will also be creating a committee that will look at the recommendations of the task force and others and lead our work to continue building trust in our community. It is my intention that the group, which will be chaired by Tanya Weigold, director of campus life, will begin meeting by October 1. In addition, as recommended by the task force, we are committing ourselves to create a new system of educating students about their Title IX rights and requirements. Tamara will work this summer on creating this new training.

I look forward to continuing our efforts to create a culture of respect within our community. This includes improving communication and continuing to provide the resources necessary to make Randolph College a better place for our students. Together, we can make a lasting difference in our community.

Vita abundantior,

Bradley W. Bateman