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James Greenfield ’21, ’22 M.A.T. 

High school history teacher 


Master of Arts in Teaching

James Greenfield ’21, ’22 M.A.T. landed his dream job after graduating from Randolph: teaching world history at a high school in Prince William County.

“I chose to teach history because it’s about us. It’s the subject that explains every other subject,” he says. “It’s one of the only subjects where students have a chance to grow not just academically, but emotionally. We can use it to teach empathy and compassion along with conventional skills such as critical thinking and analysis.”

Greenfield studied history at Randolph before enrolling in the Master of Arts in Teaching program. He completed the program while teaching civics and economics at a Lynchburg middle school.

“Being able to work with the same professors I respect on a nearly one-on-one basis helped me grow as an educator much faster than I would have otherwise,” he says. “They could help me solve problems specifically for my classroom in a way that many programs aren’t able to.”

He says Randolph’s emphasis on individualized education has prepared him for this next step.

“They don’t force you to teach in one specific way or say that one method is better than the other,” Greenfield says. “They help you figure out what works best for you and the students. The most special thing about Randolph is the professors. They form a classroom community that focuses on growing together and working as a team to accomplish a goal, which in the education profession is an essential skill.”

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