student scholarship

Randolph hosts 24th MARCUS conference

College students throughout Virginia and surrounding states share findings from research or creative projects in all disciplines.... READ MORE >>

Randolph hosting 23rd MARCUS conference in October

Randolph College is hosting the 23nd Annual Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference of Undergraduate Scholarship (MARCUS) on Oct. 23.... READ MORE >>

Symposium of Artists and Scholars submission deadline extended

Yolanda Cobblah '17 presents her research during the 2017 Symposium of Artists and Scholars

Students wanting to participate in Randolph’s Symposium of Artists and Scholars have a little more time to get their proposals in! The deadline to apply has been extended until Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. The symposium, scheduled for April 23 and 24, offers students a chance to showcase their research, senior capstone projects, class projects, academic... READ MORE >>

Student-written ASIANetwork grant will allow Randolph students and professor to travel to Nepal for research

As Suzanne Bessenger, a religious studies professor, was designing the syllabus for her Gendering Enlightenment class, she realized that all of the students were interested in fields that would require grant writing. “Instead of asking them to each write a traditional research paper, I thought why not have the students work together to apply for... READ MORE >>