Randolph students attend Alternative Break Citizenship School, receive certification

Two Randolph students were among the 90 participants from across the nation at the recent Alternative Break Citizenship School at the University of South Carolina Upstate. Brittany Lundy ’19 and Wil Ridley ’20, along with Assistant Dean of Students Michael Maningas, participated in the training, entitled “Reframing Disability: Communities of Independence and Self-Determination.” During the... READ MORE >>
Randolph College celebrates the Class of 2015

With the weather alternating between sprinkles, warm sun, and overcast clouds, an audience of family, friends, faculty, and staff filled the Dell Sunday, May 17 for the 2015 Commencement ceremony. It was a celebration of endings and beginnings and a call for the graduates to use their leadership skills and passions to make the world... READ MORE >>
Randolph student recognized for community service
A Randolph College sophomore has been recognized by the tri-state district of Kiwanis International for his leadership of Randolph’s community service club. Curtis Weaver ’17, the president of Randolph College Circle K, was inducted as a Lifetime Member into the Capital District Kiwanis Foundation during a recent district convention in Fairfax, Va. He was one... READ MORE >>
Randolph senior volunteers in Haiti
“I believed that by helping people there, I could challenge myself, get new experiences, and have a better sense of my career choices while still doing good for others,” said Hailey Nguyen ’15.... READ MORE >>
Students volunteer at organic farm on alternative fall break

For several Randolph students, fall break meant rising early in the morning to harvest potatoes, pull weeds, and plant seeds.... READ MORE >>
Randolph students will package meals for the hungry on Earth Day
New fall break service trip available to students
Physics Students Teach Cub Scouts the Science of Speed
Members of the Randolph College Society of Physics Students spent their Saturday morning with the Cub Scouts of Pack 48. They conducted a hands-on workshop, applying the lessons of physics to build faster Pinewood Derby race cars. A longtime scouting tradition, the Pinewood Derby challenges scouts to build a wooden race car from a standard... READ MORE >>