RISE grant
Izaiah Burgos ’24 spends summer working for sanctuary in South Africa

Burgos spent five weeks at ZA Cheetah Conservation Cheetah Experience in South Africa.... READ MORE >>
William Olichney ’24 uses RISE grant for immersive language program in Mandarin

Memories from his summer in Taiwan come quickly to William Olichney ’24.... READ MORE >>
Kathryn Davis ’24 explores wildlife conservation in Australia

Davis participated in the School for Field Studies (SFS), one of the United States’ largest environmental study abroad programs, this summer. ... READ MORE >>
Horse sense: RISE grant helps earn Brandon Harrison ’23 therapeutic riding certification

The grant money will pay the costs involved in becoming fully certified through the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International.... READ MORE >>
Tick talk: Biology students research the spread of cat scratch fever through ticks

On a warm afternoon this spring, Eynnar Claros Chacon ’19 and Allen Vaytser ’20 ventured into the woods behind Randolph’s softball field. The two biology majors carefully combed the forest floor with “draggers”—long, white sheets coated with carbon dioxide—hoping their prey would take the bait. Sure enough, when they returned to Martin Science Building, the... READ MORE >>
Meet the graduates: Marie Abowd ’19

As we look back on Commencement, we’d like to share what some of our 2019 graduates are doing next! Marie Abowd ’19 is an environmental studies major who has been hired as a paid diversity outreach intern for the Department of Conservation and Recreation’s Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Here’s what she had to... READ MORE >>
Symposium of Artists and Scholars highlights student research, creative endeavors

At Randolph’s 2019 Symposium of Artists and Scholars Friday afternoon, students presented the results of various research and creative projects on topics ranging from teaching strategies to rainwater harvesting to mobile app development. In its 11th year, the Symposium brings together students of all academic disciplines to share research results and highlight some of the... READ MORE >>
Bienvenue en France! Business major scores summer internship at French tech company

Anthony Fonnesu ’20 has been selected for a summer internship with Schneider Electric in Rueil-Malmaison, France. In his role with the company’s marketing and communications department, Fonnesu will help coordinate the city’s Latin American Day celebration and explore the possibility of organizing a tennis tournament between Rueil-Malmaison and its sister city in the United States:... READ MORE >>
Senior research, RISE grant help Marie Abowd ’19 achieve childhood dream

A RISE grant paid for travel and lodging to attend the Chincoteague Island Pony Swim as part of her senior environmental studies research project: “Horsin’ Around: A Comparative Analysis of Wild Equine Management Strategies on Atlantic Coastal Islands.”... READ MORE >>
Alumna’s charitable foundation awards $15,000 grant to support RISE program

Randolph College has announced a $15,000 grant from the Barbara C. Noyes Charitable Foundation, Inc. to support Randolph’s Innovative Student Experience (RISE) Program. RISE awards give students the opportunity to pursue their unique passions. Every Randolph College sophomore, junior, or senior can apply to receive a grant of $2,000 for research, creative work, experiential learning, and... READ MORE >>