Council of Independent Colleges
Randolph joins Growth4VA initiative

Randolph College has joined a growing coalition called Growth4VA, which aims to make Virginia colleges more affordable and encourages lawmakers to invest more into the state’s future workforce. Growth4VA is a function of the Virginia Business Higher Education Council and is a broad-based coalition that includes people from business, industry, and higher education working together... READ MORE >>
Visit Randolph during Virginia Private College Week!

Randolph and 23 other private colleges from around the state will celebrate Virginia Private College Week July 23-28. The event provides rising high school juniors and seniors—and their families—as well as prospective transfer students the opportunity to learn more about the vast array of educational offerings in the state. The week is sponsored by the... READ MORE >>
Randolph history professor selected to participate in national seminar on ‘The Civil War and American Memory’

Randolph history professor John d’Entremont is one of a select group of faculty members nationwide chosen by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) and the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History to participate in a special seminar on “The Civil War and American Memory.” The seminar for faculty members in history, political science, and related... READ MORE >>
Visit Randolph during Virginia Private College Week!

Randolph and 23 other private colleges from around the state will celebrate Virginia Private College Week July 24-29. The event provides rising high school juniors and seniors—and their families—as well as prospective transfer students the opportunity to learn more about the vast array of educational offerings in the state. The week is sponsored by the... READ MORE >>
Girelli selected for national leadership development program

Randolph College is pleased to announce that Carl Girelli, vice president for academic affairs and dean of the College, is one of 24 senior-level administrators in higher education nationwide selected by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) to participate in the 2017–18 Executive Leadership Academy. Individuals chosen for the yearlong program are vice presidents or... READ MORE >>
Art history professor selected for CIC seminar at Yale Center for British Art

Lesley Shipley, an art history professor at Randolph, is one of just 25 full-time college professors from across the nation selected to participate in the Council of Independent Colleges’ (CIC) 2017 seminar on Landscape and Identity in Britain and the United States (1770-1914). The program will be held at the Yale Center for British arts... READ MORE >>
Religious studies professor selected to participate in national seminar on teaching interfaith understanding

Suzanne Bessenger has been selected from a competitive, national pool of nominees to participate in a faculty seminar on the teaching of interfaith understanding. The seminar is offered by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) and Interfaith Youth Core (IFYC), with support from the Henry Luce Foundation. Bessenger, a religious studies professor at Randolph, and... READ MORE >>
Randolph vice president, chief of staff selected for CIC leadership academy

Randolph College is pleased to announce that Wesley R. Fugate, vice president and chief of staff, is one of 23 senior-level administrators in higher education nationwide selected by the Council of Independent Colleges (CIC) to participate in the 2016–2017 Executive Leadership Academy. Individuals chosen for the year-long program are vice presidents or cabinet officers in... READ MORE >>