Randolph College President Bradley W. Bateman sent this message of encouragement to students prior to the final week of the semester.
Dear Students,
How is it possible that there is only one more week of classes left? As I’ve been saying often these days, it seems like March went on for months, but April has flown by. As this unusual semester draws to a close, I would like to thank you once again. Thank you for your patience as we all tried to adapt to a new way of teaching. Thank you for your hard work. And thank you for your spirit. Despite being physically distant, you have managed to stay together in the way that really counts—as a community and a family.
As a Randolph student, there is a lot that is expected of you during a regular year. This year, the expectations and challenges were even greater, yet you chose to make the best of a difficult situation. You have shown exactly why we are so proud of our students.
It is also why our trust in you has not wavered, nor will it as we go into exam time. You will enjoy the same freedoms in self-scheduled and unproctored exams as you would on campus. We believe our Honor Code is a way of life, not just when you are here on campus, but also when you are outside of the Red Brick Wall. You should receive more details about exams from your professors in the coming days if you haven’t already.
Meanwhile, I wish you the best of luck. Please know that all of us are cheering for you as we come into this home stretch.
Best wishes,
Bradley W. Bateman