ATM Sayfuddin
Randolph College’s 2019-20 academic year is officially underway, and several new faces have joined the faculty.
Economics and business professor ATM Sayfuddin is one of the new additions:
Where are you originally from and what is your career/educational background?
I am originally from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I completed a bachelor’s degree in public administration at the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh; an M.B.A. in international business at the University of Greenwich, U.K.; and a Ph.D. in economics at Middle Tennessee State University in the U.S.A.
At the beginning of my career, I worked in various positions related to marketing and operations for companies in the U.K. as well as Bangladesh. Before my Ph.D. in the U.S., I also served as a faculty member in the College of Business Administration at the International University of Business, Agriculture, and Technology, a private university in Bangladesh.
What attracted you to the job at Randolph?
At Randolph, I am particularly impressed by the friendly atmosphere between all faculty members and students. Among other things, I also liked the beautiful campus at Randolph as well as the City of Lynchburg, which is a lovely place to raise a family.
What classes are you teaching this fall?
This fall I am teaching Behavioral Economics (ECON 250), Principles of Microeconomics (ECON 102), Marketing (BUS 264), and a part (4 weeks) of a Senior Seminar course (ECON 495) in economics.
Describe your teaching style. What can students expect in your classes?
To me, teaching is a journey in which both teachers and students are co-learners. I believe (A) students benefit significantly in an interactive and problem solving oriented classroom, (B) students engage and learn more in a class when they come prepared, and (C) teaching is more effective when theories and concepts are explained with examples that are relevant to students on a personal level. In all my classes, my goal is not only to help students acquire knowledge inside the classroom but also to apply the knowledge to addressing real-life issues.
What are your initial impressions of Randolph and its students?
In my experience, Randolph facilitates a very welcoming and conducive environment for its faculty and students. I think the average class size here at Randolph enables me to pay special attention to each of my students. The opportunity to help them grow in their academic and intellectual endeavors is extremely fulfilling to me.
What sorts of hobbies or fun activities do you enjoy outside the classroom?
I like watching movies, playing guitar, hanging out with friends, and spending time with my family.
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