(From left) During their Summer Research project in 2016, Jessica Sidebottom ’17, Callan Frye ’17, and Di Bei ’18 examine a sample as biology professor Amanda Rumore observes.
Biology professors Amanda Rumore and Adam Houlihan, along with Callan Frye ’17, Di Bei ’18, Jacquelyn Parman ’18, and Jessica Sidebottom Jones ’17, had their research published in the Journal of Equine Veterinary Science.
Their project, titled “Efficacy of Tea Tree Oil in the Treatment of Equine Streptothricosis,” began as part of Randolph’s Summer Research program in 2016. The group examined the horse skin infection Streptothricosis, commonly known as “rain rot,” and tested tea tree oil and other over the counter products used to treat the condition. This work was funded through the Summer Research program and Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges summer fellowship program.
Read the article in its entirety at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0737080618308037.
Biology professor Adam Houlihan observes as Di Bei ’18 and Jacquelyn Parman ’18 test lab samples.