A new Facebook page dedicated to collecting alumnae and alumni memories is showing how much has changed during the College’s lifetime—and how much has stayed the same.
In one black-and-white photo, ivy covers most of the front of Main Hall. In another, students are crowding onto a 1940s fire truck for an “annual fire truck ride.”
But some facets of the College’s personality are more consistent: A group of students paint the Odd Tree on front campus, others show off Pumpkin Parade carvings, and—of course—there are seniors wearing graduation stoles decorated with dozens of buttons.
The Randolph College Annual Fund office recently created the Randolph Memories Facebook page to give alumnae and alumni of Randolph-Macon Woman’s College and Randolph College a place to share memories of their college years. The page is part of this year’s Annual Fund campaign, which focuses on the stories and memories of the College’s former students.
The page serves as a space where alumnae and alumni can reminisce together. To add to the collection of memories and photos, members of the community can post on the page directly, e-mail memories@randolphcollege.edu, or mail photos and stories to Randolph College, Office of Institutional Advancement / P.O. Box 3215 / Lynchburg, VA 24503-3215.
In addition to the Facebook page, the Annual Fund office will share stories and photos each month with the alumnae and alumni community through e-maiI.
“We are pleased by the response we have seen thus far, and we hope to have many more alumnae and alumni share their images and memories with us in the months to come,” said Tamara Jamerson, director of the Annual Fund. “We hope that the entire alumnae and alumni community will enjoy perusing these pictures and stories that illustrate the College’s proud traditions and rich heritage.”
To contribute to the 2014-2015 Annual Fund, visit http://www.randolphcollege.edu/memories-donate