A Message from the Parents Council

October 23, 2020

Dear parents and guardians of Randolph students,

Since last March, we have all had to adjust to a constantly changing world due to COVID-19. Each family and student has different needs and resources.

The Parents Council would like to ask that all parents and guardians of Randolph students come together in unity to support the administration, faculty, and staff as they serve the needs of all our students.

What do we have in common? Administrators, faculty, staff, and parents are all looking for a safe future for our young adults, the students. We all want a pandemic plan that will provide a sense of security and a stable environment so that students can focus on learning.

President Bateman and the COVID-19 Task Force are committed to hearing all interests as they make decisions for next semester. They are open to feedback and constructive criticism as we continue to navigate through the COVID-19 pandemic. Access to and response from the administration is one of the many benefits of attending a college the size of Randolph.

We, the Parents Council, offer our full support to President Bateman and the decision-makers as we move forward. We ask that you join us. In a world full of division, let’s practice and live unity.

We encourage you to learn more here: https://www.randolphcollege.edu/covid19/ and to email us and Randolph with your feedback at parentscouncil@randolphcollege.edu.

With warm regards,

Chris and Katherine Doyle
Co-chairs, Parents Council
Parents of William ’21 and Caroline ’22