Sigma Tau Delta
March 26, 2018
Randolph English major wins second place for essays at national convention

Miranda Hudson ’18 recently won second place in the creative nonfiction category for her essays at the 2018 Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention, held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Hudson’s award-winning piece, “Orokomono,” was a moving essay about her journey to uncover stories of her Taiwanese grandmother. It sprung from the death of her... READ MORE >>
April 4, 2017
Randolph alumna wins first-place at international English honor society convention

Katy Boyer ’16 received the first-place award in the alumni creative writing category at the recent Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention. Boyer was honored for her short story, “Apples, Almonds, and Apricots,” which she wrote for her honors senior project. This is the second year in a row that a Randolph student... READ MORE >>