Alumna’s charitable foundation awards $15,000 grant to support RISE program

Randolph College has announced a $15,000 grant from the Barbara C. Noyes Charitable Foundation, Inc. to support Randolph’s Innovative Student Experience (RISE) Program. RISE awards give students the opportunity to pursue their unique passions. Every Randolph College sophomore, junior, or senior can apply to receive a grant of $2,000 for research, creative work, experiential learning, and... READ MORE >>
Virginia Living magazine names Randolph a top college for science, math, and technology

Now on newsstands, the State of Education issue of Virginia Living magazine has named Randolph as one of the state’s top colleges for science, math, and technology for 2015. The College is one of just 15 four-year schools to earn the recognition. In Randolph’s listing, Virginia Living highlights the Randolph Innovative Student Experience (RISE) Program,... READ MORE >>
Rainforest research helps Randolph senior prepare for conservation career
Dan Phung ’15 spent three weeks of his winter break on an isolated island in Panama, where he explored the rain forest in the morning, snorkeled to see coral reefs in the afternoon, and stargazed with his feet in tropical waters at night.... READ MORE >>
Randolph senior volunteers in Haiti
“I believed that by helping people there, I could challenge myself, get new experiences, and have a better sense of my career choices while still doing good for others,” said Hailey Nguyen ’15.... READ MORE >>
Students use RISE grants to study dolphins in Greece