Mengjin Sun
May 17, 2019
Graduate outcomes: What's next for the Class of 2019?

The Class of 2019 graduated in Smith Hall Theatre on Sunday, May 12. Here is what some of them will be doing next in their lives beyond the Red Brick Wall: Maya Wheeler Major: Environmental studies Working for the Peace Corps in Senegal “I was mostly interested in the environmental field and agriculture, so when... READ MORE >>
June 6, 2016
Making Internet security add up

Two Randolph students are using Summer Research as an opportunity to examine the critical role that math plays in cybersecurity. Mengjin Sun ’19 and Nhut Dang ’18 are working with mathematics professor Jia Wan to analyze the Diffie-Hellman problem (DHP). The DHP is a mathematical problem first proposed by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in... READ MORE >>