jennifer dugan

Randolph students represent Republic of Tunisia at Model UN conference

Katie Godwin '19 and Philemon Afrifa-Boakye '19 at the National Model United Nations Conference.

Twenty Randolph students recently spent a week in New York City representing the Republic of Tunisia at the National Model United Nations (NMUN) conference. At the conference, students learned about the UN system, the assigned issues of each of its committees, and the Tunisian positions on those issues. Some of the specific items students discussed... READ MORE >>

Randolph professor is featured speaker for Great Decisions Lecture Series

Jennifer Dugan

Randolph political science professor Jennifer Dugan is the first speaker in Lynchburg Public Library’s 2016 Great Decisions Lecture Series. Dugan will deliver the presentation, “Advancing the UN Mission: The International Criminal Court and the Responsibility to Protect,” in the Community Room at Lynchburg Public Library on Thursday, February 4. Light refreshments will be served at... READ MORE >>

International Law class issues verdict for alleged war criminal

Judges (from left) Tahan Menon '16, Donald Saltmash-Lubin '16, and Vanessa McBean '16 are sworn in on day one of the pre-trial.

After a three-day pre-trial held on the Randolph campus, three judges ruled that there was enough evidence to continue prosecution of Colonel Igor Girkin in International Criminal Court. Girkin was allegedly connected with the downing of Malaysian Airlines flight MH17 near the Ukraine-Russia border July 17, 2014. After the ruling, the judges, prosecution and defense... READ MORE >>

Randolph students honored at National Model United Nations

Two Randolph College students won an award at the National Model United Nations Conference (NMUN) in New York City, March 29-April 3. Penny Trieu ’15 and East Cao ’16, sitting on the Human Rights Council, won an award for best position paper. Position papers are policy memos prepared in advance of the conference by student... READ MORE >>