Hannah Overstreet
Students deliberate ‘Ethics and Social Justice’ in VFIC Ethics Bowl
Five Randolph students participated in the Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges’ (VFIC) 20th annual statewide collegiate Wells Fargo Ethics Bowl this weekend at Roanoke College. The Randolph team competed head-to-head against other highly qualified student teams from Virginia’s 15 leading independent colleges and universities, deliberating a variety of case studies highlighting ethical dilemmas. The members of... READ MORE >>
Randolph professor, students serve as panelists at Virginia Social Science Association conference
On Saturday, April 21, Jennifer Gauthier, a Randolph communication studies professor, served as a panelist alongside Alex Wieczorek ’19, Hannah Overstreet ’20, and Veronica Lee ’21 at the Virginia Social Science Association (VSSA) conference in Richmond. The group presented “’Still She Persisted’”: Gender, Politics, and Popular Culture,” which included papers addressing gender and politics in... READ MORE >>