creative nonfiction
Marwa Helal joins M.F.A. faculty for summer residency

Poet and nonfiction author Marwa Helal is joining Randolph’s Master of Fine Arts in creative writing program at Randolph College as a guest member of the faculty. She will teach poetry and creative nonfiction courses during the upcoming summer residency. Helal is the author of Invasive Species (Nightboat Books, 2019) and winner of BOMB Magazine’s Biennial 2016 Poetry... READ MORE >>
Randolph English major wins second place for essays at national convention

Miranda Hudson ’18 recently won second place in the creative nonfiction category for her essays at the 2018 Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society Convention, held in Cincinnati, Ohio. Hudson’s award-winning piece, “Orokomono,” was a moving essay about her journey to uncover stories of her Taiwanese grandmother. It sprung from the death of her... READ MORE >>