Archaeological Conservation Institute

International award-winning archaeologist to speak at Randolph

Roberto Nardi

Roberto Nardi, the director of the Centro di Conservazione Archaeologica (CCA) in Cabras, Italy and co-director of Randolph’s Archaeological Conservation Institute, will discuss the CCA’s award-winning research at Randolph College Monday, October 10. His presentation, which is free and open to the public, will begin at 5:30 p.m. in Leggett 537. Nardi and the CCA... READ MORE >>

Randolph Students Blog from Italy Archaeology Trip

Students participating in the Randolph College Archaeological Conservation Institute in Italy this summer will be sharing their experience working with ancient artifacts at the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica in Belmonte in Sabina, Italy. Read about their adventures…... READ MORE >>

Randolph students restore Roman artifacts in Italy

A group of Randolph students is currently in Italy restoring ancient Roman artifacts with the Centro di Conservazione Archeologica (CCA). What exactly do students DO on this trip? Watch and find out in this video from Roberto Nardi of the CCA. In its second year, the two week Archaeological Conservation Institute is a collaboration between... READ MORE >>

Restoring History – Randolph students work with respected conservators in Italy.

In the heart of a 13th-century former Franciscan convent in Italy, a group of Randolph College students gained more than textbook knowledge of archaeology last summer. Thanks to a new partnership with the Center for Archaeological Conservation (CCA), the students were able to work with internationally respected conservators as they restored materials from the 1st-century... READ MORE >>