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Photo gallery: Reunion 2019

Randolph College hosted alumnae and alumni in classes ending with 4’s and 9’s at its 2019 Reunion from May 30-June 2.

Two women dancing in Michels PlazaAn alumna participates in a paint and sip eventTwo women sit by the SundialClose-up of a sunflower pinned to a personTwo alumnae take a selfie in front of Main HallA group of alumnae in Michels Plaza during the dance partyTwo women walk on the Red Brick PathA group of alumnae dance in Michels PlazaThree alumnae talk in the libraryTwo alumnae converse in the libraryTwo alumnae sit on a benchAlumnae participate in a paint and sip sessionAlumnae relax and bond in Michels PlazaAn alumna stands to be recognized at the class luncheonAlumnae sit in Michels PlazaThree alumnae speaking on an alumnae panelA group of alumnae in front of West HallTwo alumnae talk on the steps of Main HallThree alumnae in front of West HallA group of alumnae on front campusA group of alumnae on the patio of the Student CenterPaula Wallace and Phebe Wescott embraceAlumnae clap along to musicAlumnae look at art work in the libraryTwo alumnae listening to a presentation in Nichols TheatreAlumnae perform a song during the class luncheonAn alumna speaks at a podium Tags: , , , ,
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