Emily Vaughn ’20 designed the buttons that students will wear for Founders’ Day 2018
UPDATE: The Founders’ Day Ceremony, which was originally scheduled for Wednesday, March 21, has been rescheduled for Wednesday, March 28 at 5 p.m.
Randolph College will hold its annual Founders’ Day celebration Wednesday, March 21 at 5 p.m. by the front steps of Moore Hall.
Founders’ Day is a tradition held each year in March to honor founder and first President William Waugh Smith. Seniors wear their graduation robes to the celebration, which includes a late-afternoon ceremony, a special Founders’ Day dinner, and displays about the College’s history.
This year’s event will include performances by student a Capella groups Songshine and Voices, remarks by Student Government President Tetiana Poliakova ’18, and President Bradley W. Bateman.
The College was officially founded on March 10, 1891. However, since this date usually falls during spring break, the College celebrates Founders’ Day later in March.
Tags: Founders Day, traditions