Randolph College will host the head of the Conservation Department of the National Gallery, London on October 18 at 7:30 p.m. in Wimberly Recital Hall.
Larry Keith, who has managerial responsibility for art handling, framing, and collection registrars, will give the lecture “Looking After the Past: Conservation at the National Gallery.” He will discuss the central role the conservation of paintings has played in the National Gallery since its founding, elaborating on how conservation functions in the museum with new technologies and interdisciplinary research revealing unexpected discoveries within works of art.
In addition to the public lecture, Keith will have lunch with Randolph students and serve as a special guest lecturer for art professor Andrea Campbell’s High Renaissance and Introduction to Museum Studies classes.
Keith earned a B.A. in art history from Oberlin College and a post-graduate diploma in the conservation of easel paintings from the Hamilton Kerr Institute, Cambridge. He joined the National Gallery in 1991 after working with esteemed conservators Herbert Lank and John Brealey.
Keith is a member of the International Advisory Board of Studies, Department of Conservation and Technology, and the Courtauld Institute of Art at the University of London. He is an external examiner for that program, and for the post-graduate easel painting conservation course of the Hamilton Kerr Institute at the University of Cambridge. He is an advisor for the Bank of America Art Conservation Program, the Heritage Conservation Trust, and a member of the Advisory Board of the Wallace Collection Reynolds Project. He was also a member of the International Commission for the Restoration of the Virgin and Child with Saint Anne by Leonardo da Vinci, organized by the Département des Peintures du Musée du Louvre with the Centre de Recherche et de Restauration des musées de France.
Randolph College is the only educational institution in the United States to hold a collaborative relationship with the National Gallery, London. Formed in February 2014, the partnership was designed to create enhanced learning opportunities for Randolph students, faculty, and staff. In addition to lectures by high-level staff members of the National Gallery, the collaboration includes a special internship program for Randolph students. The partnership also made possible the special exhibition, Venetian Visions: Selections from the National Gallery, London, which was on view at the Maier Museum of Art at Randolph College from November 2015 through March 2016.
Tags: art, events, London, muhs, museum studies, National Gallery, speakers