The Randolph College Student Center was named one of the “Most Amazing” in the nation in the 2015 student union rankings by Best College Values.
The article “30 Most Amazing Student Unions” lists Randolph as the seventh best in the nation. Randolph is the only college in Virginia on the 2015 list, as well as one of the only small, private, liberal arts colleges to receive the distinction.
Best College Values compiled the list by looking at the benefits that each facility offers to students. “Architecture and exterior appeal are the biggest factor in what makes a building amazing to the naked eye, but facilities, interior appeal and tradition are what makes it amazing to its students,” the article states.
The article honors Randolph for the renovation that updated the Student Center and created Michels Plaza. “This entirely [alumnae]-funded project is a shining example of where everything started and how far things have come,” the article says. “The Student Center boasts beautiful views as well as amenities relevant to the student of today, including an amphitheatre, an arcade, a fitness room with the most technologically-advanced equipment, and offices for student government organizations.”
“We are excited to see our Student Center project rank seventh in the nation as one of the most amazing student unions,” said Randolph College President Bradley W. Bateman. “Our Student Center has become the hub and gathering place for the entire community, whether our students and faculty are holding small classes in Hampson Commons or enjoying the beautiful views of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The building balances our campus’s rich history with modern appeal. We are grateful to our alumnae and their families for funding this entire project. It has enhanced campus life at Randolph.”
Read the full article at
Tags: national rankings, student center