Randolph College has a new series of monthly, interdenominational worship services designed to enrich the spiritual lives of members of the Randolph community.
Wednesday Worship at Randolph currently takes place on the first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in Houston Memorial Chapel. “Wednesday Worship is intended to be a short, mid-week pick-me-up,” said the Rev. Jennifer Moore, chaplain for Randolph College. “It has been designed to be a time of sharing, including prayer needs and concerns, some music, and a theme that is wrapped in scripture.”
The speakers at each Wednesday Worship event are clergy or campus ministers who have connections with members of the Randolph community. Each week, the speaker delivers a 10-minute lesson based on biblical principles and then presents a question for participants to discuss or ponder.
On Wednesday, Nov. 5, the Wednesday Worship service will include the College’s remembrance ceremony that focuses on remembering people who are loved by members of the Randolph community and have passed away. The Rev. Jason Stanley, minister of youth and education at Peakland United Methodist Church, will lead the service.
On December 3, the Rev Jeff Binder, an associate presbyter, with Presbytery of the Peaks, will deliver a Christmas-themed message.
Moore started Wednesday Worship this semester as a monthly event in order to allow time for feedback from students between the meetings, but she hopes to expand it to a weekly opportunity that reaches even more members of the community. “The hope is that our students and those who attend Wednesday Worship will find a like-minded community to build a strong spiritual relationship with during their college years,” Moore said. “My personal hope is that each student with be touched in a spiritual way during their time at Randolph College.”