The next installment in the Randolph College Visiting Writers Series will take place on Wednesday, November 5.
Kevin “Mc” McIlvoy, an accomplished fiction writer and editor, is teaching a writing class at Randolph College this semester. As the Pearl S. Buck Writer in Residence, he will give a public reading of some of his work on Wednesday at 8 p.m.
McIlvoy is the author of four published novels and, most recently, a collection of short stories titled The Complete History of New Mexico. Laura-Gray Street, a Randolph English professor and director of the Visiting Writers Program, met McIlvoy when she was studying for her master of fine arts degree. “His intelligence and generosity as a teacher made an impression on me then, even though he was teaching fiction and I was studying poetry,” Street said. “I’m delighted he is here as our second official Pearl S. Buck Writer in Residence.”
While at Randolph, McIlvoy is teaching a class about the comic mode in writing.
The Burg, a local arts and entertainment publication, recently highlighted McIlvoy’s writing and previewed his reading. Read the story here.
Tags: English, visiting writers, visiting writers series