Quillian was the 2010 Commencement speaker |
A Lynchburg icon passed away early Tuesday morning, March 4, shortly before his 101st birthday.
William F. Quillian, Jr., the fifth president of Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, now Randolph College, and the institution’s longest-serving president, was a long-time supporter of the College, speaking at Commencement in 2010 and publishing Voices from R-MWC, a collection of essays about the College and his leadership. His presidency stretched from 1952 to 1978.
He and his wife, Margaret, came to Lynchburg in 1952 when Quillian began his tenure as president. His leadership brought dramatic change—to the campus and the world surrounding it. During Quillian’s 26-year presidency, he oversaw a major push for capital improvements, racial integration of the student body, the end of sororities, and the launch of the College’s flagship study abroad program, The World in Britain.
The endeared president and father of four was well-loved by alumnae and alumni, who remembered his devotion to students and the liberal arts.
Quillian and his wife, Margaret |
Randolph President Bradley W. Bateman said, “You cannot come to Randolph without being impacted in some way by Bill’s leadership. We will forever be grateful for his unwavering support of this institution. And we join with his family in both mourning the passing of this fine man and celebrating the abundant life he lived with passion.”
Information on services for Quillian will be shared as soon as it is made available.
A special photo gallery is available: https://picasaweb.google.com/117081625183515324802/WilliamFQuillian?authuser=0&feat=directlink
Tags: Dr. William F. Quillian, Jr., president, quillian