Randolph College is one of 75 private colleges and universities nationwide–and one of only two in Virginia–named a “Best Value” by The Princeton Review. Randolph was profiled in the just-published book, The Best Value Colleges: 2012 Edition, which was released Tuesday, Feb. 7. The book also features profiles of 75 public institutions. In addition to the University of Richmond, seven public Virginia institutions were included in the book.
In its profile of Randolph, the editors at The Princeton Review praise the school for its strong academic program and affordability, saying, “An incredible 99 percent of undergrads receive financial aid, putting an educational experience of high caliber accessible to many people who would not be able to come here otherwise.”
Editors at The Princeton Review also pointed out that the College’s motto, Vita abundantior, (Live Abundantly) expresses Randolph’s historical emphasis on the importance of quality education to a full rich life. The College’s “Be an Original” slogan, the editors wrote, expresses the value of distinction and difference.
“A combination of great academics, cultural integrity, individuality and traditions, with a broad range of students from different backgrounds and ethnicities, assists in making these words ring true,” the editors concluded.
Students surveyed by The Princeton Review also praised Randolph for its academic program and rich history and traditions. “The school has a great academic program, much better than most schools of this size,” said one student. Another said the level of expectation for scholarly performance is high on both sides of the desk (student and professor. And another student described Randolph as “a place where everybody really does know your name and everyone smiles at each other.”
“We commend Randolph College and all of the extraordinary colleges on our 2012 ‘Best Value Colleges’ list for all they are doing to keep costs down and / or offer generous aid to applicants with financial need — all while maintaining excellent academic programs,” said Robert Franek, Princeton Review’s senior vice president/publisher and lead author of The Best Value Colleges: 2012 Edition.
The Best Value Colleges: 2012 Edition, subtitled “The 150 Best Buy Colleges and What It Takes to Get In,” features profiles of 75 public and 75 private colleges with detailed information about their campus culture, facilities and financial aid offerings. Of the 75 schools in each group, the top 10 colleges are ranked 1 to 10, and the remaining 65 are listed in alphabetical order. The book also has a section with profiles of 10 tuition-free institutions, plus guidance on how to gain admission to the schools.
The “Best Value Colleges” list and information about the schools are also posted on a dedicated area of USA TODAY.com which has been the Princeton Review’s online publishing partner for this project since 2009. USA TODAY’s site (http://bestvaluecolleges.usatoday.com) features an exclusive database that allows users to view in-depth details about the schools by clicking on an interactive map. Users can explore criteria including cost of attendance and financial aid data, enrollment size, location and The Princeton Review’s analysis of why it chose each school as a “Best Value.”
The Princeton Review selected its “Best Value Colleges” schools based on institutional data and student opinion surveys collected from 650 colleges and universities the Company regards as the nation’s academically best undergraduate institutions. The selection process analyzed more than 30 data points broadly covering academics, cost, and financial aid. Cost and financial aid data came from the Company’s fall 2011 surveys of school administrators. Data on academics came from its fall 2010 through fall 2011 surveys of school administrators. Data from students attending the schools over these years included their assessments of their professors and their satisfaction with their financial aid awards.
The Company is also known for its annual college rankings in 62 categories (http://www.princetonreview.com/college-rankings.aspx) it reports in its book, The Best 376 Colleges which is published in August, and its annual business and law school rankings in 11 categories (http://www.princetonreview.com/business-school-rankings.aspx) it reports in its graduate school guidebooks in October.
The Princeton Review debuted its “Best Value Colleges” list in 2004. It previously published an annual book titled America’s Best Value Colleges from 2004 to 2007.
The Princeton Review (www.PrincetonReview.com) is not affiliated with Princeton University and it is not a magazine.
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Media Contacts:
Randolph College, Brenda Edson, bedson@randolphcollege.eduor 434-947-8142, ext. 2
The Princeton Review: Jeanne Krier, 212- 539-1350, or Joseph Iovino, 888-865-7737, ext 5678, jiovino@review.com