
The procedure for applying to the American Culture Program is as follows:

  1. Download and complete the American Culture Program Application.
  2. Write a 500 word (minimum) essay answering the following questions:
    1. Why do you wish to participate in the American Culture Program?
    2. How will the Program make a difference in your academic experience?
    3. We will spend a significant amount of time together in class and traveling. How do you deal with being in close proximity to the same group of people for an extended amount of time?
  3. Include an electronic copy of your current transcript obtained from the Portal.
  4. Submit names and contact information for two Randolph College faculty references and one personal reference. Your personal reference should not include family members. Be sure to ask faculty and personal references for permission before you submit their names. Do not submit letters; names and contact information will suffice. Program faculty will contact references to assess student’s fit for the program.

Submit all application components to:

Luisa Carrera
Center for Student Research
Main Hall 137

Application Deadline:

November 5, 2023

All components must be submitted and complete.
Later additions to the program may also be considered.