Conference Schedule

Ancient Drama in Performance VIII

Our gathering this year will commence at on the evening of Friday, October 3, with a casual gathering and an opportunity for presenters to meet with their actors.  The conference will conclude by around 1pm on Sunday, October 5, with a jam-packed, fun-filled series of events in between. This year will include reflections on and celebrations of twenty-five years of the revived Greek Play tradition at Randolph College. What appears below is are preliminary ideas about the weekend’s schedule, which will surely change as participants make plans.

This map shows the locations:

Friday, October 3, 2025

7pm Registration opens (Chapel)

Your swag awaits, along with yummy snacks and space and time to work with your assigned actors and greet the other attendees.

Saturday, October 4, 2025

9:00am Coffee and Pastries (Pines House)

9:30am: Paper Session 1

11am: Keynote – Al Duncan

Noon: Box lunch

1:00pm: Alumnae and Alumni Panel

4pm: Antigone by Sophocles

5:30pm: Talkback

7pm: Banquet (Jack Lounge, Smith Hall)

Sunday, October 6, 2025

9:00am: Coffee and pastries

9:30am: Paper session 2

11:00am: Paper session 3

Noon: Box lunch

4pm: Antigone (again, if you like)

This map shows the locations: