SPED 361/661 – Survey of Special Education

SPED 361/661 - Survey of Special Education

Session 1: May 24 – July 1

Course Description

Theories, definitions, and characteristics of students with mild disabilities.

Students study learning problems and difficulties students with learning differences face in the general education classroom, resources and curricular modification, instructional strategies that facilitate learning. Virginia alternative testing requirements are studied.

Course Materials

Dates: May 24 – July 1

Department: Education

Course:  SPED 361/661

Credit Hours:  3


sophomore standing


The above requirements are from the Randolph College general education program.  Check with your home institution to see if this course fulfills your requirements.

Tuition & Fees:

$1,350 tuition
Textbooks and other course materials can be purchased separately from the source of your choosing.

Your Instructor

Peggy Schimmoeller

Peggy SchimmoellerProfessor of Education, Director of the Randolph College Master of Arts in Teaching program
B.S., University of Dayton; M.A.T., Oakland University; Ed.D., University of Virginia

I am a teacher educator and educational researcher interested in a wide range of topics related to the learning process. All children are learners and I adhere to this premise in all of the work. I received my B.S. from the University of Dayton, my master’s degree from Oakland University, and my Doctorate of Education from the University of Virginia. My areas of emphasis include special education, educational law, math and science education and teaching and learning through the college level. I joined the Randolph College community in 1993.
As an educator I have taught in Ohio, New York, Michigan and Virginia. I was drawn to students who were intelligent but performed behind their peer group in school. As a result of these experienced I pursued a master’s degree focusing on reading and learning abilities and disabilities. My doctoral studies included work in curriculum and instruction, leadership and policy studies and child development/psychology. I have worked with pre-K through high school aged students who were diagnose with mild or moderate reading and learning disabilities in a wide range of setting at both private and public schools.
My research work includes work in Bangkok, Thailand and Lahore, Pakistan where I have traveled and worked with teachers in public schools and colleges. I research how teaching and instructional practices influence student learning and classroom climate. My work includes reading, science, mathematics and college teaching practices.
During my tenure at Randolph I have worked to promote higher education and the importance of the liberal arts and its practical application to various professional career opportunities. I enjoy working with colleagues on leadership, change and transition, and strategies that help move the college forward.
I am actively involved in a variety of professional organizations including the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum, the American Education Research Association, Virginia Association for Science and Technology, and the American Association for University Women. In addition I work closely with the Jubilee Family Development Center, New Vistas Schools, and Camp Kum-Ba- Yah Environmental Center to promote learning outside of the traditional school day.

Register for Summer Session