PHYS 116 – General Physics II

PHYS 116 - General Physics II

Session 2: July 6 – August 11

Course Description

Classical mechanics, heat, and electromagnetism. A calculus-based presentation of basic physical principles for students interested in the sciences or mathematics.

Course Objectives

This course is the second half of an calculus based comprehensive survey of basic physics. This course covers topics in mechanics (gravitation, equilibrium, fluids), electricity and magnetism (the study of forces, fields, circuits, and waves), and optics (electromagnetic waves, light) at a level appropriate for beginning physics majors, pre-medical students and science majors. We will cover approximately three chapters every week or a bit more. The goal of this course is to train your physical intuition, to give you a basic understanding of electricity and magnetism in the world around us, and to teach you the tools needed for effective problem-solving.

Course Materials

Textbook: Fundamentals of Physics, 9ed (ninth edition). Halliday, Resnick, Walker.
ISBN: 9780470556535
Online Subscription: ExpertTA
Syllabus (PDF)

Dates: July 6 – August 11

Department: Physics

Course:  PHYS 116

Credit Hours:  4


Mathematics 149R or equivalent


NS Natural Sciences requirement
QR Quantitative Reasoning requirement
IB Math requirement
IID Laboratory Science requirement
(when taken with corresponding lab course PHYS 116L)
The above requirements are from the Randolph College general education program.  Check with your home institution to see if this course fulfills your requirements.

Tuition & Fees:

$1,800 tuition
$32.50 ExpertTA subscription
Textbooks and other course materials can be purchased separately from the source of your choosing.

Your Instructor

Jeff Steele

Jeff SteeleAdjunct Instructor in Physics

B.S., University of California – Santa Barbara; M.S., University of Virginia

Jeff Steele is an experienced and skilled physics educator who has been recognized as both a Master Teacher for NASA Langley Virginia Aerospace and Technology Scholars and a Physics Master Teacher Leader (PMTL) Teacher Advisor for the American Association of Physics Teachers.
He is the author of supplementary material for 5 Steps to a 5: AP Physics 1 Elite Student Edition, 2017-2018 and a reader for the AP Physics exams.
Jeff holds a bachelor’s degree in Nuclear Engineering from UC Santa Barbara and a master’s degree in Physics Education from the University of Virginia. He has taught physics at Randolph College, University of Lynchburg and the University of Virginia.

Register for Summer Session