CHEM 106 - General Chemistry II
Session 2: July 6 – August 11
Course Description
This course is the second semester of General Chemistry and will serve as a continuation of the introduction to fundamental chemical principles begun in CHEM 105.
Topics to be covered this semester include Chemical Bonding, Structure and Geometry of Molecules, Solids, Solutions, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Equilibrium, Acid-Base Chemistry, Chemical Thermodynamics, and Electrochemistry. Many of these topics are challenging, and the mathematical component of CHEM 106 is significantly greater than that of CHEM 105.
Course Materials
Textbook: Chemistry: The Central Science
Brown, LeMay, and Bursten, 10th edition, Prentice Hall Pub., 2006.
Calculator: A scientific calculator is required. An inexpensive scientific calculator with scientific notation, square root, trigonometric, exponential, and logarithmic functions can be purchased for less than $20, and will be sufficient for the needs of this course.
Syllabus (PDF)
Dates: July 6 – August 11
Department: Chemistry
Course: CHEM 106
Credit Hours: 3
Corequisite: CHEM 106L
NS Natural Sciences requirement, QR Quantitative Reasoning requirements, IB Mathematics Requirement, IID Laboratory Science requirement
(when taken with corresponding lab course CHEM 106L)
The above requirements are from the Randolph College general education program. Check with your home institution to see if this course fulfills your requirements.
Tuition & Fees:
$1,350 tuition
Textbooks and other course materials can be purchased separately from the source of your choosing.